Mar 16, 2011

Nuclear Survival

It's the end of the world.  The end is near!

No, not really.  But disasters happen, and being prepared is something that our family has been talking a lot about this last weekend.  The events that have enfolded in Japan have been a bitter reminder of what can happen- of how little control we really have.  We mourn with the people of Japan.  My cousin is serving a mission there and we waited and watched eagerly to see if he was okay (he is), and he is only one person.  Some people have lost their whole families, many have lost their homes, and Japan was a beautiful example of a country prepared.  But how could they have prepared more for what has happened?  The grief is tremendous, and our prayers are with the Japanese people.

This post is in response to the nuclear problems that have arisen because of the tsunami.  Perhaps this post is a little off-topic for a blog that is typically about cute crafts and educational activities, but to me it has EVERYTHING to do with being a professional mother, protecting the ones that are under my care, so I am going to proceed in hopes that this information may be valuable to some of my readers.


50 years ago the schools drilled and the media educated, and the American citizens were prepared for what might happen.  Today the idea of being hit by nuclear bomb is unthinkable, so let's not think about it.  And yet the risk for nuclear fallout is tenfold what it was in the 50's.

My father has been a student of nuclear survival and has gone to great lengths to teach people how to prepare.  The following products and suggestions come from him.  I am in no way compensated for this post, nor was I encouraged by my parents to blog about these products, but I do strongly feel these materials are important, that education is important, and I want to do my part to get the word out.  Naturally any purchases would help my family, and I feel good about that.  :o)

Nuclear War Survival Skills

The definitive source for how to survive a nuclear war or fallout was written by Cresson H. Kearny.  Unlike many contemporary survival books, Kearny actually tested every one everything that he recommends that you make, from shelters, to latrines.  He wanted the book to be freely available, and it largely is.  He made it public domain. You can download it for free here.  It is available on Kindle for $2.50.  Having a hard copy in your home is also important because it is possible that when you would need it most, it would be unavailable.  My father saw this need and paid to reprint it and make it more affordable.  Amazon has the book for $20.  You can get it for $12 here.

Potassium Iodide (KI)

Taking Potassium Iodide during a nuclear disaster can block op to 99% of the radioactive iodine 131 from a nuclear fallout in a crisis.  Americans are scared and the price for potassium iodide has skyrocketed since the disaster in Japan. Fortunately, my father purchased a large supply less than a week before the earthquake, and has chosen NOT to skyrocket the prices.  You can purchase 40 grams of the pure chemical compound (infinite shelf life) for $16 here.  To be taken according as outlined in Nuclear Survival Skills.

Last Day Devastation vs. Later-day Preparation DVD

This video was created with an LDS perspective by my father, to be a companion to the Nuclear War Survival Skills book.  It shows how to build some of the items, as well as basic survival skills.  It may not be amazingly professional, but it is much easier to watch than Kearny's videos that he made to accompany his book.  It is there and available, and has a lot of valuable information.  is a fantastic resource, and I highly recommend looking at what they have to offer, and very affordable prices, especially considering the high demand for these materials right now.  Thank you for looking!

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