Apr 24, 2013

Beginning Rhythm giveaway

I'm hosting a giveaway of my own product, Beginning Rhythm, for two reasons.  First because this blog recently reached 100,000 page views and I want to celebrate.  :)  But mostly because I have been asked to do a review and giveaway for another company, and since I haven't really done a give-away before, I wanted to test the waters and learn how to do one.  I know, I'm behind the times, but better late than never, right?

I'm doing the giveaway through "Giveaway Tools".

Apr 11, 2013

Ride on the Magic School Bus

My kids are CRAZY about this show.  We bought the complete series for Christmas, and bar none, it was their favorite item.  They prefer this show over any of our Disney movies.  And because I like it too, I let them watch it.  Well, it's permeated our family life.

How do I know?

My two-year-old starts each day with "Good morning, class."

My four-year-old is our safety queen when we get in the car.  "Single file please."  "Seatbelts everyone!"

My 5-year-old knows he's funny because he has started quoting Carlos' jokes.  All the time.  Only, they usually don't fit.  But because Carlos said it, it must be funny, right?  I laugh because I know this is his thought process.  But he takes it further.  He has started making his own acronyms like Carlos.  For example, he asked me a few days ago, "Mommy, did you know that plants need CD?"  Huh?  I'm wondering if "seed-ie" is some kind of Peter language talk for seeds.  He was so pleased when I didn't get it and he could deliver his punchline-  "Carbon Dioxide!"

But it's not just my kids.  I am changing too.  I absolutely love and admire Ms Frizzle.  I am saying things like "It's time to take chances, make mistakes, and get messy."  "Ah, excellent observation, Helen, blah blah blah", in Frizzle fashion.  And before I answer (they know I'll get to it), I say, "Excellent question, anyone care to guess?"  Haha, I've been frizzled, all right.

As I've watched the show, I know more and more that it's not just her enchanting bus with it's Mesmerglober, her porta-shrinker, her amazing house, her deep bag Mary Poppins must have given her, or even her crazy outfits and glowing earings that make her special.  Ms Frizzle is a first-class teacher and I am trying to learn from her.

When her kids argue, she doesn't just barge in and stop it.  She creates an environment where the children will learn better behavior on their own.  When children ask questions, she gives them a hands-on experience to answer it.  When things go wrong, she is always optimistic.  "Ah, don't you just love it when that happens?  Now we can learn about...."    She is kind.  She keeps her kids safe (somehow.  gee, I would love to know how she does that in a volcano, an oven, or in an airplane without power).  She's not afraid to take chances, make mistakes, and get messy BECAUSE she understands that this is the way that children learn.  The best part of all is that she takes her kids on field trips.  Homeschooling shouldn't all be in the house.  I need to be better at that.

Yes, I can learn a lot from Ms. Frizzle.  Yes, children, you may watch another episode while I make dinner.  But just one.  Let's use it as a springboard and learn more about it together.

Apr 9, 2013

Home birth, part II

I'm doing a page break on this article to make skipping it easy if learning about home-birth is not your thing.  :)

Oh, and this post contains adult content.

Apr 3, 2013

March Reading List

Here's March's reading list, for what it's worth.  I feel a little like I'm cheating on the Mercy Watson books, but one, I need a little help catching up, and hey, when you have your two-year-old helping you read, even short chapters deserve a little credit.  We discovered Mercy Watson this month when I asked the librarian for help in finding full-color chapter books to help my 5-year-old build his attention span.  She was right, he loved these, and he had no problem reading these books on his own.  On the other hand, he still didn't need a bookmark because they are short, so we're still looking.  He's so spoiled to have full-color books.  Maybe I need to look for awesome black and white story books and that would help.  I'm sure once he figures it out, there will be no holding him back.  :)  We're still behind our goal for the year though, so I need to keep pushing myself!  Here are a few resources that I plan on tapping into for help (thank you BrillKids forum).  (I post these to help ME find them later, lol).







  1. A Crack in the Track (x2)

  2. A Giraffe Grows Up
  3. A Tiger Cub Grows Up
  4. Are we there yet? (x3)

  5. Army Ants
  6. Artic Foxes and Polar Bears (homemade book)
  7. Be Good, Bobos! 
  8. Broken Bones
  9. Carl’s Masquerade (x2)
  10. Cars- Driving Buddies
  11. Chicken in the Kitchen
  12. Clifford’s First School Day
  13. Dinosaur Train- Tiny learns to fish!
  14. Disney Princess- The Sweetest Spring
  15. Disney Princesses- The Perfect Dress
  16. Eeyore giant board book
  17. Finding Nemo- Just Keep Swimming
  18. Five Teddy Bears
  19. Hand, hand, fingers, thumb
  20. I am a Child of God
  21. I am invited to a party
  22. If I Built a Car (x4)

  24. Jane Goodall- The Chimpanzees I Love (we skimmed and admired the pictures, still counts!)
  25. Lego City- Calling all Cars!
  26. Lego Star Wars- Anakin to the Rescue!
  27. Let’s Play Ball!
  28. Meat-Eating Plants- Toothless Wonders
  29. Meet the Robinsons- A Family for Lewis (x2)
  31. Meet the Robinsons- Journey to the future
  32. Mercy Watson goes for a ride (12 chapters)
  44. Mercy Watson Thinks like a Pig (15 chapters)
  59. Mercy Watson to the rescue (12 chapters)
  71. Mercy Watson- Princess in Disguise (16 chapters)
  73. Monsters Inc- Boo on the Loose
  74. No, David
  75. One Hundred Shoes
  76. One little, two little, three little Pilgrims
  77. Peek-a-Boo
  78. Piglet giant board book
  79. Pigs and Peccaries
  80. Pinkalicious
  81. Pooh giant board book
  82. Prairie Dog’s Hideaway
  83. Rapunzel’s Amazing Hair (x3)
  86. Ratatouille- Run, Remy, Run!
  87. Read with Dick and Jane
  88. See the Yak Yak
  89. Shapes- Circles
  90. Sleepy Boy
  91. Soccer Song
  92. Star Wars- Clone Troopers in Action
  93. Start to Finish- From Egg to Butterfly
  94. The boy who harnessed the wind (William Kamkwamba)
  95. The day I was rich
  96. The End
  97. The King who tried to fry an egg on his head
  98. The story of Ruby Bridges
  99. Tigger giant board book
  100. Time for a Bath (Steve Jenkins and Robin Page)
  101. Toy Story- A Spooky Adventure
  102. Toy Story- Buzz’s Backpack Adventure
  103. Toy Story- Friends Forever
  104. Toy Story- Move Out!
  105. Toy Story- The Bunny Surprise
  106. Toy Story- The Great Toy Escape
  107. Toy Story- Toy to Toy
  108. We are in a Book! (x5)
  109. We need construction workers
  110. Weird and Wonderful Fish
  111. What do you call a baby Rhino?
  112. Whose Teeth are these?
  113. Will You be my Friend?
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